There are toys and treats, goodies and games. Yet no matter how many of these my child has, there will always be someone who has more - and someone who has less. God has given my family so much. How can I teach my child to be thankful for his blessings and to give to others? I will start with the small. My young child can give a kind word, offer a smile, share a toy, or comfort a friend. And as he grows, so will his generosity. His measure will be great, for no matter what he has, my child can always share his love and his time.
I will encourage my child to give one of his toys or books to someone in need. Not a forgotten toy or a torn book, but a belonging he is fond of - one that give him joy. With that token he will give to someone else - and to himself - the gift of joy.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your many blessings. Help my child and me to share them with others. Let us give freely and with great joy.
Luke 6:38
Excerpted from "I'm a Good Mother: A Devotional Book for the Not-So-Perfect Mom"
by Gigi Schweikert
by Gigi Schweikert

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