"Not right now." "As soon as I finish." "In a minute." My child says mommy minutes are much longer than regular minutes, and she's right. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with my to-do list in hand - folding the laundry, cooking dinner, talking on the phone. My anger and frustration come bubbling up when my child wants my attention and I'm trying to finish just one more thing. Imagine if I called God's name and He replied, "Just a minute." Yes, there are times when we all need to be patient and wait, but am I always asking my child to wait? The to-do list grows every day - and so does my child.
When my child tugs at my knees or calls, "Mommy," I will turn to her and acknowledge her. She may still need to wait, but I will give her a gentle answer, knowing, that every moment with her is a gift.
Dear God, thank You for this child. Help me to be slow to anger, as You are. When my child calls out to me and I'm busy with the world, let my anger and frustration melt away.
Excerpted from "I'm a Good Mother: A Devotional Book for the Not-So-Perfect Mom"
by Gigi Schweikert
by Gigi Schweikert

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