Better Moms make a better world!

November 12, 2009

Be Still

Rest. That is truly a word I know little about. As a mom, most of the time I am on the run. All it takes is a moment's break and the dishes have piled up, the laundry is stacked three hampers high and the kid's room looks like an atomic bomb hit. Sometimes, by a miracle of God, all four of my girls are napping at the same time. In those moments the first thing that comes to mind is "Great! a chance to get caught up on email or finish that project that I haven't had time to get around to."

Rest? It seems like the last thing on the priority list.

This past weekend, my husband and I talked for the first time in months -- not just instant messaging, texting or making small talk while doing the dishes -- but put everything down, sat on the couch, looked each other in the eyes and had a conversation. It was wonderful! No amount of flowers, sappy facebook messages or expensive dinners could replace the time that we had. It was so intimate. I don't want anyone to misunderstand -- we love each other and we do talk. But not nearly enough do we put everything aside and make that the number one priority.

I think that the same mistake applies to my relationship with God. I love Him and He is an important part of my life -- but how often is it top of my to-do list to spending restful time with Him? We can say a prayer at meals and bedtime, or go to church on Sundays but that isn't the same as a drop everything and curl up on the couch conversation. But I believe that's what God longs for. Don't we?

And when the "bewitching hour" hits and dinner needs to be made, kids are extra cranky and your energy is at an all-time low? Psalm 46 says God is our refuge and strength -- in the midst of trouble, mountains falling, waters roaring and the nations raging. And in verse 10 it says "Be still, and know that I am God." Maybe we can't stop what we're doing, or make the crazy stop -- but in our souls we can find rest in God in the busy moments.

When I take a few hours or even a few minutes and put my to-do list to the side and instead play with the kids, read a chapter in my bible or sit down on the couch with Brian, I enjoy life a little bit more. My girls misbehave less when they get attention, my body seems a little less tense so that when I get back to work I have the energy to get more done in less time. But most of all, it is in the quite moments that we are most in tune with God.

Join me this week in making an effort in being still. My heart's desire is to know that He is God.

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